Surface Preparation and Application Method:
The application surface should be cleaned from all kinds of dirt, rust, oil, loose paint layer and coating layer. The dew point should be monitored during application and should not be applied on damp or wet surfaces. Moisture and/or water may cause abnormal foaming of the product. Mix the material homogeneously with the hardener according to the mixing ratio. Let it rest for 3-4 minutes. Deep cracks and pits are filled by applying thin coats. Waiting time between coats is 4 - 6 hours. If the waiting time is more than 24 hours, a thin layer of sandpaper should be applied before continuing the application.
Thinning / Mixing Ratio:
By weight 4 parts PU Spur Putty + 1 part PU Spur Putty Hardener. It is used without thinning with thinner.
Paintable (Coatable) Area:
Approximate consumption is 150 g/m in 1 cm x 1 cm section in spur applications. In coating applications, approximately 450-500 gr of putty is required for 1 m² when the application is made to leave a 250 micron dry film. The practical coating area varies according to the surface roughness and the amount of spatter losses.
Drying Time:
Completes touch drying in 6 hours, dust holding drying in 12 hours, hard drying in 24 hours at 20°C. Completes drying for mechanical processing in 4-6 days.
Recommended Application Apparatus:
Brush Roller Spatula, putty steel, gauge.
5 kg - 10 kg - 20 kg
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