Polymex P-1008 CAP Water Stopper Insulation Material

Acrylic Copolymer Liquid Resin Based Water based, one component, ready to use, ready to use, elastic, white-gray-cream colored, paintable, spreadable waterproofing material that can be easily applied on all kinds of surfaces. Fits the definition of "FIRE RETERDANT COATINGS".

Water Cutter Ready for use.
Provides breathing space on Water Cutter Surfaces.
Su  Kesici %600 elastiktir.
Tensile strength after 24 hours23 o24.5 kgf/cm at C2 55 kgf/cm after 72 hours2
It is applied with Brush Roller Trowel.
Water Cutter is not affected by sunlight.
It retains its elasticity even at low temperatures.
Provides high adherence.
Easy and fast to apply.
Resistant to freeze-thaw cycles.
Water Cutter Paintable
Absolutely Solvent-free
Water Cutter is Antistatic and Anti-bacterial.

Color White-Grey-Cream or desired color
Definition Acrylic copolymer resin based water based one component FIRE RETERDANT COATINGS complies with the definition.
Elasticity 600%
Density 1.50 gr/ml
Water Cutter Consistency Brush, Roller Consistency semi-fluid liquid
Application Apparatus Roll-Brush-Mala-Pull pass
Applicable Floor Temperature +7 0C-+120 0C
Adhesion Strength 12 kgf/cm2
Drying Time First drying 12 hours Second coat 24 hours (Full drying 48 hours)
Physical and Chemical resistance It starts 7 days after application.
Combustion The retarder does not emit any toxic gas.
Health Compliance After complete drying it is absolutely not harmful to health.
UV It is durable.
Flash Point At least 38 oC dir.

Especially in vertical and horizontal applications in outdoor areas;
Water Breaker Sloping Terrace balcony roofs
Exterior insulation
Olive pickling plants
Under tile or above tile insulation
Concrete zinc and precast chimney gutters
North exterior facade of buildings and Silo warehouses
Pool insulation
Foundation basement insulation
Tonnage Drinking Water Tanks
Under spray polyurethane and over spray polyurethane insulation
Insulation of Bathrooms and Wet Areas
Outdoor garden foundation and terrace insulation
Insulation of corner parapets

Surface Preparation:
The surface to be treated with Polymex-1008; CAP Water Stopper Insulation Material must be thoroughly cleaned from solid dry dirt, oil, rust, etc. The surface must be dry and clean on concrete or sheet iron, fiberboard, wood, tile surfaces. Old and worn surfaces (worn, loosened and lost mechanical strength) should not be primed before the necessary repairs are made. The concrete must be set and completely dry. Uneven surfaces should be repaired with appropriate repair mortars. The corner edges of the surfaces should be chamfered with repair mortar with a diameter of 4 cm. Water should flow towards the drains. Polymex-1008 should be applied 4 hours after the primer is applied to the floor, after making sure that the floor has hardened. Two coat application is sufficient. If necessary, 3 coats can be applied. After application, a 2 mm thick dry film layer is obtained. The applied surface should not be wetted, walked on and protected for at least 12 hours. Application without primer should never be done. Polymex-1008 should be applied on the dry primer 4 hours after the primer is applied. Since it has anti-bacterial properties, it does not produce bacteria on the product. CAP Water Stopper Insulation Material

Polymex-1008; CAP Su Kesici İzolasyon Malzemesi Kullanıma hazır bir malzemedir. Astar  uygulamasında Polymex-1008 %50 su ile 400-600 devir/dak bir karıştırıcı ile 3-5  dakika karıştırılmalı ve hazırlanan malzeme Astar olarak zemine 250 gram/m2  should be applied. 4 hours after the primer application, other coats should be applied as 1st coat. 1.50 mm wet film thickness should be applied with the help of roller, brush, trowel. Polymex-1008; cracks, joints, corners and edges should be supported with 100 gr or 165 gr suitable waterproofing mesh or fiber felt after the first coat application.

Water Stopper for 1 mm dry film thickness: 1.50 kg/m2
Water Cutter for 1 mm wet film thickness: 1.4 kg/m2
For the thickness of gutters and streams: 2 kg/m2
Waterstop on terraces and floors: 2.5-kg/m2

Mix until homogenized before use. Apply between + 5°C and + 30°C. Protect the product from freezing and hot weather.

All technical data contained in this product data sheet are based on laboratory experiments. Actual data may vary due to conditions beyond the control of AŞY POLYMEKS KİMYA SAN TİC LTD ŞTİ.


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