P-4025-Poliüretan Şeffaf UV Sonkat Cilası Depolama Koşulları /Raf Ömrü:
12 months from the date of production in the unopened and undamaged original packaging
All technical data in this product data sheet are based on laboratory experiments. Actually obtained and POLYMEX Construction Chemicals San. Tic. A.Ş. may vary due to conditions beyond its control.
Yasal Notlar: P-4025-Poliüretan Şeffaf UV Sonkat Cilası
PThe technical information provided on Polymex Construction Chemicals products includes, in particular, advice on their application and end use. Polymex Construction Chemicals' recommendations are given in good faith based on Polymex Construction Chemicals' current knowledge and experience when these products are stored and applied under appropriate conditions. The application surfaces and application areas of the products vary considerably. When using Polymex Construction Chemicals products, make sure that you apply the right product, in the right way, under the right application conditions and in the right place. Please strictly follow the information and instructions given by Polymex Construction Chemicals regarding commercial suitability and/or suitability for a specific purpose. Otherwise, Polymex Construction Chemicals is not responsible for any damages that may occur. The applicator of Construction Chemicals should test the suitability of the product for the application and purpose for which they intend to use it. Polymex Construction Chemicals reserves the right to change the properties of its products. The property rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted on the basis of our current terms and conditions of sale and transportation. Users should consult Polymex Construction Chemicals for the latest edition of the local Product Data Sheet for the relevant product.
Ürün Tanımı: Polymex 4025 Poliüretan Akrilik Reçine esaslı yüzeyden kaybolmayan ,şeffaf ,parlak betonun geçirimsizliğini ve kür alması için kullanılan beton kür ve Poliüretan Uv cila malzemesidir . Akrilik kökenli
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