Solvent-free Epoxy Injection Reinforcement coating, %100 katı madde ihtiva eden, Epoksi Reçine Esaslı, solventsiz, şeffaf iki bileşenli Enjeksiyon kaplamasıdır POZ(TSEN1504-2) Beton yüzeyin gözeneklerini doldurur ve malzeme ile yüzeyin mükemmel bir şekilde yapışmasına imkân sağlar. Beton içine penetrasyon kabiliyeti yüksektir. Yaşlanmaya dayanıklı, yüksek basınç mukavemetine sahip ve esnektir. Epoksi Enjeksiyon Kaplaması
Polymex Epoksi enjeksiyon reçineleri ile geliştirilmiş solventsiz yüzde %100 katı madde içeriğine sahiptir. Epoksi enjeksiyon reçinesi, yapısal tamiratlar, güçlendirme, çatlak ve ankrajlama işlemleri amacıyla geliştirilmiştir.
Polymex Epoxy injection molding product reaches excellent physical properties after use, thus providing a long-term solution for the repair and insulation of structural repairs.
Used for structural repairs and cracks.
In areas not subject to movement, large gaps, e.g. rock cracks, fracture defects, backfill layers, joints, cracks and segregated reinforced concrete.
In combination filler injection with cement or microcement.
In the dry environment, filling of cement holes.
Soil stabilization and anchoring works in embankment.
Concrete stabilization and anchoring works.
In cases where high doses of water flows are present, in porous reinforced concrete back curtain grouting works
Features and Advantages of the Injection System
*Highly flexible in all weather conditions.
*It is an important solution tool in water sealing
*Environmentally harmless, solvent free.
*It has adhesion feature on wet and dry floors.
*Provides fast solution as it penetrates very quickly.
*Protects the concrete or structure and reinforcement, if any, from the negative effects of water and moisture.
*Unlike other insulation materials, the insulation is not superficial but prevents water from existing in the concrete. Epoxy Injection Coating
Features and Advantages of Epoxy Injection Retrofit System
*Highly flexible in all weather conditions.
*It is an important solution tool in water sealing.
*Environmentally harmless, solvent free.
*It has adhesion feature on wet and dry floors.
*Provides fast solution as it penetrates very quickly.
*Protects the concrete or structure and reinforcement, if any, from the negative effects of water and moisture.
*Unlike other insulation materials, the insulation is not superficial but prevents water from existing in the concrete.
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