- +90 536 583 8260
- info@polymex.com.tr
- Alemdag Cad. Ihlamurkuyu Mh. Hürmet Sk. No:4 Ümraniye/Istanbul
It is a two-component epoxy non-slip deck coating with a high solids content of % 100, resistant to harsh weather conditions. Complies with MIL-PRF-24667C Type I Composition G requirements.
İki bileşenli, katı madde oranı yüzde yüz %100, zorlu hava koşullarına karşı dayanıklı, epoksi reçine esaslı kaydırmaz güverte kaplamasıdır. MIL-PRF-24667C Tip I Kompozisyon G şartlarına uygundur. İçerdiği özel katkılarla geç tutuşur, alev almaz yanmaz ve yayılma yapmaz, damlama yapmaz.
One-component solvent-free, UV-resistant, transparent stone carpet pore filler.
Polymex-4024-Antistatic is an electrostatically conductive 2-component Polyurethane based self-leveling Polyurethane antistatic Floor coating system.
Epoxy resin based, two-component, ready-to-use, elastic and blue-white colored, ready-to-use pool insulation paint that can be easily applied on all kinds of hard and elastic surfaces.
Sprey sistem kaplanacak zemin kir, pas, nem ve yağdan arındırılmış olmalıdır. Mevcut zemin üzerine primer uygulaması yapılır.
Flexible, self-leveling, elastomeric, solvent-free, 2-component polyurethane based, electrical insulating floor covering material.
İki komponentli, %100 katı ve tamamen alifatik olan epoksi esaslı özel metalik pigmentle imal edilmiş akışkan metalik epoksi zemin kaplama sistemidir.
P-4015 is a high performance, smooth surface, anti-bacterial polyurethane concrete coating obtained by modification of polyurethane based resins with special additives and chemicals.
2-component, polyurethane based, self-leveling, elastomeric, solvent-free floor covering
İki bileşenli, solventsiz poliüretan reçine esaslı, Prc poliüretan zemin kaplama malzemesidir.
Terrazzo is a solvent-free epoxy floor coating system with high physical strength and excellent decorative appearance by using aggregates such as natural stone, glass, mirror, seashells in different sizes together with Terrazzo colored, solvent-free epoxy.