Polymex P-6013 Two Component Polyurethane Coating Material

It is a two-component, elostomer, surface coating material based on isocionate and synthetic polyol. Two Component Polyurethane Coating Material

Polyurethane Insulation Features and Advantages:
Resistant to UV rays
When applied, there are no joints and no possibility of leakage
forms an isolation in one piece.
As it is a pure polyurethane, it can be in constant contact with water.
-10 oIt closes cracks up to 2 mm thick even at C.
Provides permeability against water vapor.
Fully adheres to the surface without the need for any additional bonding process.
The waterproofed surface can be walked on.
Even if the material is damaged, the damaged part can be easily repaired in a few minutes
can be used Two Component Polyurethane Insulation Coating Material
Since the product is anti-bacterial, it does not produce bacteria on the product.
– Asit ve bazik solüsyonlara (%10), deterjanlara, deniz suyuna, yağlara ve yağlama maddelerine karsı iyi dirence sahiptir.

Polyurethane Insulation Usage Areas:

-Waterproofing of roofs, balconies and terraces, curtain concrete.
-Floor covering, pool insulation
-Waterproofing of bathrooms, swimming pools, kitchens and similar wet areas (under tiles).
-Waterproofing of water storage and distribution channels.
-Waterproofing and protection of bridges, tunnels and similar concrete structures.
-Olive pickling plants
-Under tile or above tile insulation
-Insulation of concrete zinc and precast chimney stacks
-Insulation of the northern exterior facade of buildings and silo warehouses
-Basic basement bunding insulation
-Insulation under spray polyurethane and over spray polyurethane
-Outdoor garden foundation and terrace insulations
-In isolation of corner parapets and drains

Polyurethane Insulation Technical Specifications:

Polyurethane Insulation % Elongation 900%
Binding agent Polyurethane Resin
Water Vapor Permeability 25.8 + 4.4 g/m2/day
Adhesion to concrete surface 2.2 ± 0.2 N/mm2
Polyurethane Insulation Density A=1 gr/ml B=1.1 gr/ml
Viscosity mPa at 25 C. s A=950 mPas B=250 mPa.s
Hardness (Shore A Degree) 55-65
Degree of combustion B2
Practical Coating Capacity 1.5 kg/m2
Kuruma (23 oC) Initial Drying: 1 hour, Full Drying: 2 hours, 2nd coat application after 2 hours minimum
Application Temperature 8°C - 35°C
Tensile strength 7.45 + 0.30 N/mm2 ASTM D 412
Chemical Drying 7 days later
Application Apparatus Spraying Machine -Scaler, airless
Mixing Ratio %   100/100 by weight
Waterproofing material Mixture Density Approx. 1.1 g/ml

Polyurethane Insulation Application:

Polyurethane Insulation Polymex P 6013; Polyurethane Insulation A-component should be mixed well with B-component, made ready for application and applied in two coats on the primed surface within 5 minutes with an average of 1.4-2.0 kg/m2 and should be applied with the help of a proportioning machine or airless machine until the entire surface is covered. A flat surface should be obtained. After 2 hours, apply another coat of Polymex P 6013 Two Component Polyurethane Insulation Coating Material. If desired, apply a third coat of Polymex P 6013 Two Component Polyurethane Insulation Coating Material. Do not apply more than 1.5 mm (dry layer) in a single layer.

Polyurethane Insulation Surface Preparation:

Polymex P 6013; Two Component Polyurethane Insulation Coating Material should be cleaned from old coatings, dirt, oil, grease, organic substances and dust by mechanical grinding. The surface must be clean, dry, smooth and unpolluted, otherwise the adhesion ability of the polyurethane may be damaged. The maximum moisture content should not exceed %7. The compressive strength of the substrate must be at least 25 mPa and the coherent bond strength must be at least 1.5 mPa. Newly laid concrete must be allowed to dry for at least 28 days. Old loose coatings, dirt, grease, oil, gasoline, organic matter and dust must be removed by abrasive machine. Possible surface irregularities should be smoothed. Polymex P 6013 must be free of any dirt and dust that may adversely affect its adhesion. It is important to remove possible roughness on the surface. Any loose surface particles and dust resulting from the grinding process should be thoroughly cleaned. The corner edges of the waterproofing material roof terrace surfaces must be chamfered with repair mortar with a diameter of 4 cm. Water flow towards the drains should be ensured. After making sure that the floor hardens 4 hours after the primer is applied to the floor, waterproofing material application should be started. Two coat application is sufficient. After application, a 2 mm thick dry film layer is obtained. The applied surface should not be wetted or walked on for 24 hours. Waterproofing material should never be applied without primer.

Polyurethane Insulation Priming:
Two Component Polyurethane Insulation Coating Material Absorbent surfaces such as concrete, cement, sap, wood should be primed with Polymex-992, Polymex-996 polyurethane primer or Polymex-999-Prc epoxy primer. Non-absorbent surfaces such as metal, bitumen felt, ceramic tiles and old coatings should be primed with Polymex-999. Polymex Primer m2 at least 200-250 grams.

All technical data contained in this product data sheet are based on laboratory experiments. Actual data may vary due to conditions beyond the control of AŞY POLYMEKS KİMYA SAN TİC LTD ŞTİ.

Additional information


100 KG, 120 KG, 150 KG, 200 KG, 250 KG


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