Polymex P-5002 Epoxy Self Leveling

Three-component, Epoxy-based glossy floor coating material

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Polymex P-5002 Epoxy Self Leveling


It has high chemical and mechanical resistance and forms a hard film. No fire hazard due to its solvent-free nature. The film surface is glossy and non-slip. It is easy to clean, does not harbor bacteria, does not dust and does not harm health.

Areas of Use

Hospital, pharmaceutical and food industry



It is used as a floor covering in industrial plants where floor dusting affects production, such as in the automotive industry.

Adhesion to Concrete 4-5 N/mm²
Compressive Strength 70 N/mm²
Flexural Strength 20 N/mm²
Solid Matter %100
Density 1.6 gr/ml

Application and Features

After mixing the base material, add hardener and quarz filler and mix for 2-3 minutes until homogenous. Mix for 15 minutes
application is started after resting. Do not prepare more material than the amount that can be applied during the life of the mixture. When starting the application, a saw-toothed steel trowel suitable for the required coating thickness should be used. The air trapped in the coating should be removed with the help of a spiked roller.

Terms of Application:
New concrete and cement based plaster should be cured for at least 21 days. After the mortar residue etc. on the cured surface is removed by light sandblasting or brushing, the selected primer is applied. Loose particles such as old paint, dirt, dust etc. on the old concrete and cement plaster surface are removed by sandblasting, scraping, brushing. Oil and grease residues are cleaned with detergent water, if neutralization is required, the surface is treated with % 3-4
wiped with a solution of hydrochloric acid or acetic acid and washed with water. Ensure that the floor is completely dry before applying the selected primer.

Application Method: It is applied with a saw-toothed steel trowel.

Application Temperature: Do not apply below +10 °C.

Pot Life: 1 hour at 20 °C. The higher the amount of mixture and ambient temperature, the shorter the life of the mixture.

Waiting Between Floors: Minimum 24 and maximum 48 hours. If this time period is exceeded, the floor should be roughened with sandpaper for good adhesion.

Drying Time: Surface drying at 20°C: 6-8 hours Complete drying at 20°C: 16-24 hours

Duration of Cure: 7 days at 20°C. During this time, the paint film must not be exposed to any chemical and mechanical influences.

Mixing Ratio: 50 parts by weight of base material, 15 parts of hardener, 35 parts of quarz filler.

Consumption: Theoretically about 1m 2-5 kg/m2 for coatings with thicknesses ranging from 1-3 mm.

Polyurea Insulation Restrictions:
The packaging must not be opened until the components are used.

Polyurea Insulation Notes
All technical data contained in this product data sheet are based on laboratory experiments. Actual data may vary due to conditions beyond the control of AŞY POLYMEKS KİMYA SAN TİC LTD ŞTİ.

All technical data contained in this product data sheet are based on laboratory experiments. Actual data may vary due to conditions beyond the control of AŞY POLYMEKS KİMYA SAN TİC LTD ŞTİ. Polyurea Primer Polyurea - Epoxy - Polyurethane is used in Floor Primer of Floor Coatings and Insulations. The floor is cleaned and 250-300.gram per m2 should be applied to the cleaned floor. Insulation or floor covering materials are used on it. Polyurea Floor Primer is used in risky areas. According to the seasonal conditions and the structure of the usage area, primer with different properties is used.


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